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Deviation Spotlight

Deviation Spotlight

Deviation Spotlight

  • Mar 24
  • Netherlands
  • Deviant for 18 years
  • He / Him
Super Llama: Llamas are awesome! (31)
My Bio

Current Residence: In my badly lit basement where I waste about 99% of the day in. Yeah, I'm a bit of an introvert

Favourite genre of music: Anyting that doesn't sound like a cat being skinned alive.

MP3 player of choice: One that works

Skin of choice: That of a cat or an infant

Favourite cartoon character: Pino (I have a soft spot for child gynoids), Ryuk (I have a soft spot for fish-eyed psychopomps)

Personal Quote: "Don't ask me"

Favourite Visual Artist
Alfons Mucha, William-Adolphe Bouguereau
Favourite Movies
Blade Runner, Dune
Favourite TV Shows
Good ones
Favourite Bands / Musical Artists
Anyone that doesn't sound like a cat being skinned alive.
Favourite Writers
Edgar Allan Poe
Favourite Games
God Hand, Way of the Samurai, Mass Effect, Persona 3, Portal, Mount & Blade: Warband
Tools of the Trade
Anything I can get my filthy hands on
Other Interests
Reading, photography, writing, drawing "stuff" and spending most of my time being a sarcastic douche
All this time, I've been avoiding colors as if it was the plague. I should remedy that someday... in the distant future.
anonymous's avatar
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Word of advice: if you know someone who constantly tells you how they are not good at drawing while they are in fact pretty decent, do me and the entire community a favor and punch them in the face. It sickens me when an artist with potential starts spending their time wining about how their work isn't good instead of actually doing something about it.I'm sure we all have those moments when we notice our work isn't that good, some of us decide to throw in the towel while others decide to draw better. Of course there's no shame in giving up and trying something else. Who knows, you might be crap at drawing but find out that you are able to ...
anonymous's avatar
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A while ago, I purchased an old Playstation 2 because I still had some old games from both the Playstation 1 and 2 lying around in my room, and wondered if I could still enjoy them even though they are from the time when realistic graphics simply meant that the world and it's inhabitants didn't appear to be made of blocks. So after playing a few of the games I had, I decided to get some more. I looked around the city and found a small second-hand game store. After browsing through a few games, I noticed this game called GOD HAND which cost about ten bucks. I had heard some people say that it's a great game, then again I knew that I shouldn...
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Profile Comments 227

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DrackeStalenTorgen's avatar
Here is my sketch for my side of the trade , tell me if i proced with this concept [link]
theblindalley's avatar
:boogie:thanks for the favs! my gallery always welcomes you! :wave:
Asurawolf's avatar
It's my pleasure, and thank you :)
NeonHeart's avatar
I've featured you in my journal! :) <3
Asurawolf's avatar
Thank you very much, I really appreciate it. :)
DrackeStalenTorgen's avatar