
Hey I wrote a thing

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AstroTheNomer's avatar

Literature Text

Once upon a time,
There was a poor fish.
He had a lovely name,
But all called him bish;
So he travelled far,
As far as he could reach,
Till a fisherman came,
And he became a dish.

Once upon a time,
There lived a small duck.
She wanted be strong,
To fight away the dark.
Then one awful day,
She met this sick fuck,
Who killed her fish friend,
Just to earn a buck.

Once upon a time,
A turtle was born.
He saw his friend cry,
From that his heart torn.
Not sure what to do,
To cheer her he’s sworn:
But should he catch the killer,
Or stay there and mourn?

Once upon a time,
A story was told.
It was only written,
Because I was bored.
I searched far and wide,
For something to add,
But then realised, I
Could stop writing instead.
I don’t care what u say, this is a masterpiece and I regret nothing

Don’t go fishing in ponds, kids.

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