What Lurks BeneathAstrayal on DeviantArthttps://www.deviantart.com/astrayal/art/What-Lurks-Beneath-251675765Astrayal

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What Lurks Beneath



** Do you know what lurks beneath Black Siren Lagoon? Many a men have tried to discover its secrets, and all have never been seen or heard from again. The mysterious beneath the surface are as dark and cold as the lake itself. Something lurks in its depth, a frightful creature who knows nothing of mercy or remorse. A she-demon of the lake, a siren, bent only on protecting what is hers. If ever a foolish mortal tries to steal her treasure, she would drag him down into the depths of a slow and watery grave. **

[I'm baaack! Did you think I was gone? Well, I guess I kinda was. But now I'm back and bristling with new manip ideas! :plotting::evillaugh:
Oh, and I hope you like this new piece. :) ]

::Stock Used::

Under Sea BG: [Link]
Siren (Female Model): Credit goes to :iconsol--stock:, but the stock is no longer available. :(
Siren's Tail: [Link]
Drowning Man: [Link]
Treasure Chest: [Link]
Water Texture: [Link]

Editing Tool: ComparePhoto

[A Great Special Thank You to the following Stock Givers:
Without you, this couldn't be possible. So thank you for providing your amazing stock! :hug:]

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1536x2210px 2.16 MB
© 2011 - 2025 Astrayal
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Jshei's avatar
This is so beautiful and mysterious! I love it.