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Deviation Spotlight

Artist // Hobbyist // Digital Art
  • Oct 6
  • Canada
  • Deviant for 9 years
  • He / Him
Biting Pear of Salamanca: Participated in April Fools' Day 2017
May the 4th: Celebrating Star Wars
Super Albino Llama: Llamas are awesome! (246)
Twist Fate: I commented on Twist Fate!
My Bio

One year until I have to pick what I do with my life aaaaaagghhhhhhhh

← My real bio is over there because it looks better on the right side but DA won't let me move my profile over there.

Favourite Visual Artist
N/A at the moment.
Favourite Movies
Oh lord there's so many good ones.
Favourite TV Shows
The X-Files, Gravity Falls, Futurama, Doctor Who
Favourite Bands / Musical Artists
Walk Off the Earth, The High Kings.
Favourite Books
The Book Thief or Sherlock Holmes
Favourite Writers
Tolkien, but he's dead. Conan Doyle is also dead. Hmm… I'm seeing a pattern.
Favourite Games
Pokémon Mystery Dungeon: Explorers of Sky, Overwatch, Red Dead Redemption, Undertale.
Favourite Gaming Platform
Xbox. Never owned a Playstation. My 3DS is a Pokémon machine.
Tools of the Trade
Pencil/Sharpie for traditional, iPad+finger and Krita+Wacom tablet for digital.
Other Interests
Community theatre, dogs (cats too, but allergies).

Profile Comments 128

anonymous's avatar
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MrTipsyson's avatar

Dude?! Are you kidnapped by Someone?!

JJJMadness's avatar
 F2U: Black Neko Blob IconF2U: Purple Pink Pop Neko Blob IconF2U: Bright Orange Neko Blob IconF2U: Bunny Blob (experiment)F2U: Greenish Neko Blob IconF2U: Tangerine Neko Blob IconF2U: Baby Pink Neko Blob IconF2U: Snow Blue Neko Blob IconF2U: Purple Bunny BlobF2U: Glowing Blue Neko Blob IconF2U: White Neko Blob IconF2U: Black Neko Blob Icon
[PAC-MAN] Ghost Lord - Emoticon{F2U} Animated Pixel Eye - Pink v1''Graynbow'' orb:blackpurplefire::blackredfire::blackgreenfire::greenwhitefire::bluewhitefire::blackbluefire:Balck Pink Fire:blackpurplefire::blackredfire::blackgreenfire::greenwhitefire::bluewhitefire:eyeTV emoticonF2U | Blinking Eye TV emoticoneye:blackredfire::blackgreenfire::greenwhitefire::bluewhitefire::blackbluefire:Balck Pink Fire:blackpurplefire::blackredfire::blackgreenfire::bluewhitefire::blackbluefire:''Graynbow'' orb{F2U} Animated Pixel Eye - Pink v2[PAC-MAN] Ghost Lord - Emoticon
   bunch of smiley facesbunch of smiley facesStack of Books   Pastel Purple Eye   Here Cometh The Hero :tale:   Blixer JSAB [Icon]   Here Cometh The Hero :tale:   Red Eye   Stack of Books bunch of smiley facesbunch of smiley faces
   bunch of smiley facesMoving Eyeballs Kakigoori 50x50 iconI Candle 50x50 iconAright_blink_left_50x50  [Retro Glitch] H [Retro Glitch] A [Retro Glitch] P [Retro Glitch] P [Retro Glitch] YAright_blink_right_50x50I Candle 50x50 iconMoving Eyeballs Kakigoori 50x50 iconbunch of smiley faces
    Moving Eyeballs Tower Cake 50x50 iconThe CAT - Five Nights at Candy's - Icon GIFSkeleton Hand Left[Retro Glitch] B [Retro Glitch] I [Retro Glitch] R [Retro Glitch] T [Retro Glitch] H [Retro Glitch] D [Retro Glitch] A[Retro Glitch] YSkeleton Hand RightThe CAT - Five Nights at Candy's - Icon GIFMoving Eyeballs Tower Cake 50x50 icon
[PAC-MAN] Ghost Lord - Emoticon{F2U} Animated Pixel Eye - Green v1''Graynbow'' orb :blackpurplefire::blackredfire::blackgreenfire::greenwhitefire::bluewhitefire::blackbluefire:Balck Pink Fire:blackpurplefire::blackredfire::blackgreenfire::greenwhitefire::bluewhitefire:eyeTV emoticonBill Cipher IconTV emoticoneye:blackgreenfire::greenwhitefire::bluewhitefire::blackbluefire:Balck Pink Fire:blackpurplefire::blackredfire::blackgreenfire::bluewhitefire::blackbluefire:''Graynbow'' orb{F2U} Animated Pixel Eye - Green v2[PAC-MAN] Ghost Lord - Emoticon
 F2U: Black Neko Blob IconF2U: Purple Pink Pop Neko Blob IconF2U: Bright Orange Neko Blob IconF2U: Bunny Blob (experiment)F2U: Greenish Neko Blob IconF2U: Tangerine Neko Blob IconF2U: Baby Pink Neko Blob IconF2U: Snow Blue Neko Blob IconF2U: Purple Bunny BlobF2U: Glowing Blue Neko Blob IconF2U: White Neko Blob Icon F2U: Black Neko Blob Icon
DragonBlast71's avatar
pearlousthetic's avatar
rest in frickin peace, my lad
JJJMadness's avatar
 Scalpel (Left)Tini EyeEyesTini EyeEyesTini EyeEyesTini EyeEyesTini EyeEyesTini EyeEyesTini EyeEyesTini EyeTini Vintage Syringe
       bunch of smiley facesbunch of smiley facesbunch of smiley facesbunch of smiley facesbunch of smiley faces Eyeball  bunch of smiley facesbunch of smiley facesbunch of smiley facesbunch of smiley facesbunch of smiley faces
       bunch of smiley facesbunch of smiley facesTini Cleaver (Right)  Tini Preserved Heart Moving Eye Ball Cup Cake 50x50 icon  Broken Heart  Moving Eye Ball Cup Cake 50x50 icon  Tini Preserved Heart Tini Cleaver (Left)bunch of smiley facesbunch of smiley faces
       bunch of smiley facesPill AvatarMoving Eyeballs Cake Type 2 50x50 icon Virtual Retro LED - HVirtual Retro LED - AVirtual Retro LED - PVirtual Retro LED - PVirtual Retro LED - Y Moving Eyeballs Cake Type 2 50x50 iconPopsiclebunch of smiley faces
   GHOST HEART Moving Eyeballs Cake 50x50 iconVirtual Retro LED - BVirtual Retro LED - IVirtual Retro LED - RVirtual Retro LED - TVirtual Retro LED - HVirtual Retro LED - DVirtual Retro LED - AVirtual Retro LED - YMoving Eyeballs Cake 50x50 icon GHOST HEART 
Tini Vintage Syringe leftTini EyeEyesTini EyeEyesTini EyeEyesTini EyeEyesTini EyeEyesTini EyeEyesTini EyeEyesTini EyeScalpel (Right)
DragonBlast71's avatar