Autumn SoundsAssasinMonkey on DeviantArt

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Autumn Sounds



New MLP Episde (Sounds of Silence) Art

I expected y'all to get angry if I didn't make her, considering her significant role hah.
Also, how else would I jump on the opportunity to make a completely out of no-where new species. Land and everything included.
Though I focused more on her.

Gosh darn hair, tho. Or well, it wasn't that bad. Because of her ginger hair she reminded me of an old piece, Warm Adventure Flow, so I just copied most hair shading style from that. Which I have been wanting to do for a while, but I guess it needed to be ginger as well to both remind me and make me actually do that, rather than just think it..

It's a nice colour to work with in this way, but the non harsh highlight style is a fun throwback to my earliest pieces that made people think they were figurines. So a bit of nostalgia factor to add to it.

Tried to find a balance in her anatomy details, playing around more so. Her eyes however, eyelid folds more specifically, I tried to make somewhat asian instead of my harsher european folds above the eyes I've done on most recent ponies (and dragon.
Not sure how well it shows after I threw on a hastily added eyeshadow....
In general, I was hoping for a bit more Asian feel to her, the mythology is from there, and she mentioned Sudoku.

Overall interesting episode, mostly because of the mythology and new designs and location. Although it's a subject that could use way more time than a sinlgle episode allows. We only got some small clues as to what their culture is like, and close to no history about them. Also just curious to the details of their isolation (mostly because they can talk ponyish?)

But, it's a fun introduction to them either way, with a decent sized song!

Approx Time: ~9 hours
Photoshop CC

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just found this pic. linked from EquestriaDaily...Damn.Good.Detail