An hard choice to meAso-Designer on DeviantArt

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An hard choice to me



Alright, here a pic really different. And an important info.

All of my dear watchers knows that my birthday will be on November 14th (don't hesitate to make gifts for me during the week of the 14).

Now here, Like every year I take a game for my DS and now it will be my 3DS turn to have new game in November. What about December? Well you see, my parents said that the 3DS game I'll buy will be the last of the year so no more 3DS games on December.

And that comes the terrible ware between 2 games I would like to have. 

First, Luigi's mansion Dark Moon: You know the sequel of the game with Luigi as the hero, when he fight ghosts to make his brother Mario free and also in honor of the Year of Luigi? Well I saw so many let's play of the game, the boss battles, the first levels, even the multiplayer game. But maybe the game could be difficult with the controls to how to catch the ghosts (especially the slammers or the possesors..) So I will see.

And Second, Paper Sticker star: A cute looking game too. And  if I buy it, this will be the first Paper Mario game I will have because I've never get the chance to get one of these series even "Super Paper Mario" on Wii. Plus I found the stickers idea really interrestings.
I watch few let's play of Paper Mario to don't spoil the game if I get it to have more suprises. I always like the paper mario series even if I doesn't have one for now.

But here it is, even if my friends Steven and Hoby (:iconcoconutstevio92: and :icontchiny3dsplayer125:) advise me to get Luigi's mansion Dark moon, I still undecided to take the game or take Paper Mario instead.

I know, it's the year of Luigi, I can make something for it in buying Luigi's mansion 2 but I start to fall in love with Paper Mario and in the same time I'm afraid to break Luigi's fans hearts in buying Paper Mario and same thing if I buy Luigi's Mansion.

I'm completely lost, I don't know what to do... 

So if anyone have the two games tell me what are you think of it, I just want a game not too hard, not too easy (because I was dissapointed by the fact NSMB2 and Super Mario 3D Land was too easy.) and make me really happy.

Hope you understand.

Characters (c) Nintendo

Paper Mario sprites (c)Androu1

Luigi's picture (c) Mario wiki
Image size
635x467px 61.2 KB
© 2013 - 2025 Aso-Designer
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JessicaMario's avatar
That's easy! Luigi's mansion! The ending is so emotional! XD