ZeroAskSlenderZero on DeviantArt

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Zero is a mysterious fusion of Jeff the Killer and Slenderman. He tends to lives in a abandoned cabin in a forest that is often used to lure lost hikers or campers into the cabin.

Once there, Zero plays mind games with victims. Pretending to lose track of them, can't see them or even letting them think they escape.

Once inside the cabin, he has the ability to alter the interior of the cabin, so his victims easily get lost or think the building is bigger than it is. Often leading them to dead ends or thinking they found a way to escape. Sometimes even posing as a passing hiker outside of a widow letting them scream for help.

Zero is also sickeningly sweet to his victims. Pretending to comfort them, sometimes even let them go. He loves to play any kind of mind game to torment his victim.


- Since Zero hardly leaves his cabin or the forest, he feeds off of animals and likes leaving their bones or half eaten corpses around for hikers to find.

- Zero also eats his victims and does the same with their bones.

- He uses victims cell phones and let them ring to lure hikers.

- Zero often mimics the sound of victims crying for help to also lure other people.


× Zero isn't super agile or fast but his long arms make it easy to reach people.

× Voice mimicking

× Manipulating the interior of his cabin to trap victims


× Loud noises

× Can't follow fast or agile prey

× Won't leave his forest

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2000x3102px 1.52 MB
© 2020 - 2025 AskSlenderZero
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Shadowlover1245's avatar

Interesting character and his bio. Funny I have an oc similar but is a female and never got the courage to post her on DA.