NEW OC ALERT!ask-popcorn-princess on DeviantArt

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ask-popcorn-princess's avatar




name: Sheebah
age: 368 (looks about 14)
race: dark elf
height: 5'1"
weight: 101 lbs.
hair: brown
eyes: light red
skin: blue-gray
special ability: black magic, spell casting, and potions

thoughts from Sheebah:

"hey, chumps! i'm Sheebah! i live in the swamp waaay out there!" she points in a direction.
"you know who bothers me? that nox guy. ha! what a sap, thinks he's so great at magic.
i got news for you, kiddo, you ain't nearly as good as me!"

(her soul purpose is to love on him. she uses elementary school "i'm gonna bully you" techniques)

edit: i forgot something very important! that stuff on her head?
most of it isn't really her hair.
the front is, but the back and longer parts are mostly the crap she hacks up after
swimming in the swamp and gargling the water and drinking it.
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314x509px 70.79 KB
© 2013 - 2025 ask-popcorn-princess
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askAstroZombie's avatar
Nox Asks; The prince of warlocks and a few other 'higher order' representatives had been directly requested by the council to take the traditional census of the residents of the kingdom. A brief reminder had been sent out days before to every door, and as Nox went down the list throughout the day he had become more and more enraged with the dull task. But he was almost done with his long list. He approached the strange part of the kingdom, where the swamp was, and groaned deeply as he hovered over the disgusting filth and mess in the area leading up to.. 'Sheeba's' shack. He used his dark aura to knock the rotten door with a grimace on his face, and she quickly answered. Nox still hovered slightly, trying to remain straight faced as he spoke down at the odd woman, his eyes hidden behind his white bangs.

"Yeah, census whatever. How many familiars do you keep, if any?" 
He paused for a second between his questions, though clearly did not care of her answers. His fancy pen tapped impatiently on his pad of paper and he sighed deeply.
"Um. How many in your.. Home?" 
He was apparently finished and waited impatiently for her responses.

// hah i love her so much yo sorry for the huge lead-up ;vv;