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I finally finished this pic. It's a scene that came to mind after I saw "The Force Awakens" in the theater.
I thought I would see if I could get it done today. When I'd first started it, Anakin turned out well, but I couldn't get Kylo Ren to look right. Then I had come back to it later and got him to look right, and had began coloring it, but still didn't finish it (I can't remember why). So, I realized that all I needed to do was finish the shading. ...Except that I realized I had been trying to mimic the texture of the fabrics (...poorly), so I had to find the references I'd been using. And I found them in a browser favorites folder - except that most of the links were broken. ...But I figured it out. I'd shaded in Anakin's undershirts, pants, and belt today, and Kylo Ren's outfit, except for the cape thingy, which had already been finished. I also redrew Kylo Ren's shadow (which I'd had trouble getting at the correct angle before), and added the ghost effects.
I thought I would see if I could get it done today. When I'd first started it, Anakin turned out well, but I couldn't get Kylo Ren to look right. Then I had come back to it later and got him to look right, and had began coloring it, but still didn't finish it (I can't remember why). So, I realized that all I needed to do was finish the shading. ...Except that I realized I had been trying to mimic the texture of the fabrics (...poorly), so I had to find the references I'd been using. And I found them in a browser favorites folder - except that most of the links were broken. ...But I figured it out. I'd shaded in Anakin's undershirts, pants, and belt today, and Kylo Ren's outfit, except for the cape thingy, which had already been finished. I also redrew Kylo Ren's shadow (which I'd had trouble getting at the correct angle before), and added the ghost effects.
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2591x2418px 389.36 KB
© 2022 - 2025 AsjJohnson
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At least in my personal headcanon, Force-ghosts cannot manifest to those unwilling to see them, and since Kylo was terrified of having the illusion he'd staked his life on broken, that's why we didn't get this in the movies.
BUT, if it could have happened, I'm pretty sure this is how Anakin would have felt.