thank you for watching my page and hope you enjoy here!
I am interested in comics, illustrations, BJD lothes, handmades.
Now I have a brand of lolita dress,it's Cheval de bois x 創.
I am working hard with my patner and we hope to sell our clothes in Japan and US!
And I love BL comics sooooooooooooooooooo much!
My favorite cartoonists(sorry I am not sure if I use a right word) isヨネダコウ!
And I also love 铃木ツタ, 山田 ユギ, あべ美幸, 草间さかえand so on.
My favourit writer is 木原音瀨.
here's some of my infomation:
twiter: Burnupint_Light
I will very happy to see you +me in
these two website.
amazing art!!
thank you!
thank you!
thank you so much!