Different Angles of a SkullAshenCreative on DeviantArthttp://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-sa/3.0/https://www.deviantart.com/ashencreative/art/Different-Angles-of-a-Skull-370926521AshenCreative

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Daily Deviation

May 30, 2013
[Stock & Resources] Different Angles of a Skull by *clz An exceedingly comprehensive collection of reference shots!
Featured by Elandria
Suggested by sincebecomeswhy
AshenCreative's avatar

Different Angles of a Skull


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When I was drawing my Devil's Serenade picture, I tried to look up references of many different angles of skulls, but I couldn't seem to find very many. I ended up just taking the cast of a human skull that I own and holding it in my hand while I drew it's positioning.

I figured that it might be handy to some artists out there to have a bunch of skull images facing all sorts of different angles and directions for photomanipulations and references.

:skull: :skull: :skull: :skull:

In the downloadable content, the files are much larger and there are more images included.

:skull: :skull: :skull: :skull:

:bulletred: Please don't post the package outside of DA.
:bulletred: Please send me a link to your piece so I can see how it was used :)
:bulletred: I do not need credit but you can link back to this package so that others can use it too.

Different Angles of a Skull - Open Mouth REDONE by XeiArt
Different Angles of a Skull 2 by XeiArt
Different Lighting of a Skull by XeiArt
Different Angles of a Skull - Pairs and Poses by XeiArt
Different Lighting of a Skull - Open Mouth by XeiArt

View All Skull Stock here:

Other macabre themed pieces:
The Devil's Serenade by XeiArt 

Mature Content

Anatomy by XeiArt

:star: :star: :star: :star:

For anyone interested in purchasing their own personal skull mold, you can buy them here on a lovely website called Dapper Cadaver, which sells a hundred other awesome strange props and doodads: www.dappercadaver.com/categori…

:star: :star: :star: :star:

Tedathin1 made a rotating gif icon of the stock. Here it is:
Dizzy Tedathin1 by Tedathin1

A DD!! Woo! Thanks to sincebecomeswhy for the suggestion. And thanks to Elandria for the selection!

OMG! For the first time ever, I'm on the front page for "Popular: All Time" for the Stock: Other category. I'm filled with giggles.
Image size
3000x1695px 3.64 MB
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KennethGiachetta's avatar

Behold raven iron claw aka the pedoslime

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