Not a furry.
Hell Yeah!
This isn't what conservatism is at all.
We've all acted like jerks before, politics makes it more tempting than it should, but there's a real reason for that. You're hurting yourself, man. The more you lash out at this imaginary liberal foe, the more hurt & isolated you'll become. This isn't the answer to anything.
Here are some people who might be going through the same thing as you:
So you guys aren't like him?
A lot are, but it didn't use to be this way & it DOESN'T have to be.
Here are some of my favorite thinkers/lectures:
In all honesty, I'm more of a Cold War Liberal than a real Conservative, but people like Trump aren't conservative either. They're not "conserving" anything!
Ooooh, I scared you. XD Seriously, you devote your whole account grifter garbage? That's sad.
Grow up, you sound like a whiny child.
Also, nobody cares about your LGBTQ gif.
Your account defends a guy who admits to groping women, said lewd things about his own daughter, and was best buds with Epstein. Your words mean nothing to me
Trump has not been proven to be best friends with Epstein.
Oh look, one of your precious "fact checkers" even says that hasn't been proven. Sure it doesn't exonerate him either but there's no proof they were best friends.
Trump said that "grab them" as locker room talk. And that doesn't mean he actually did it. I mean come on dude.
The lewding daughter claims about Trump are over blown. Oh look, another one of your "fact-checkers" turns out to not be on your side.