Asashi-Kami's avatar


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Deviation Spotlight

Artist // Professional // Digital Art
Albino Llama: Llamas are awesome! (96)
My Bio

Grew up in several places between U.S. and Central America. I started drawing by copying drawings of Iron Man and X-Men and slowly evolved into doing things out of my own imagination.

I graduated from The Art Institute of Ft. Lauderdale with a Bachelor of Science in Animation (terrible school, don't go to any of the Art Institutes... please D: ) and am currently working on my Masters for Visual Development at the Academy of Art University.

Favourite Movies
The Last Samurai, Titan A.E., Bruce Almighty, Starsky and Hutch, Slither, The Goonies...
Favourite Bands / Musical Artists
T.A.T.U. and Evanesance, Tracey Chapman, Dragon Force, Disturbed
Favourite Games
The Legend of Zelda (all of them), Shadow of the Collosus, MGS all of them
Favourite Gaming Platform
all Nintendo platforms
Tools of the Trade
pencil, paper, color pencil, and whatever works.
Other Interests
painting(digital), and all the other cliche stuff, rock climbing, bicycling, etc...
I'm giving this commissions thing a shot here.  I haven't really done commissions before but I figure now is as good a time as any to start, right?  So here it goes:TUTORIALS: Submit a request for a "How to draw" anything.  It could be the face, parts of the face, the body, limbs, trees, animals, hands and feet, etc.  Ask for anything and if I don't personally know how to draw it off the top of my head, I'll learn it and make it a tutorial.          Price:  $10 - $20 (depending on the complexity of the tutorial)ORIGINAL CHARACTERS: Any original characters that you would like to see drawn in my style.          Price: $10 (sketch)           ...
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Ok, so here's what's up.  A friend of mine asked me to teach him how to draw faces in return for his knowledge and experience in coloring comics.  What did I do?  I researched.  "How do I teach someone how to draw without actually being there to coach him..."  I looked around deviantART for some inspiration... TUTORIALS!!! WOOOHOO!  "Right, another tutorial...",  well, I started the tutorial and came to realize that there's soooo much that goes into drawing a face that it won't fit into a small brief tutorial... so I'm going to put as much as I can into this without overloading the artist's mind lol.   Another thing I noticed in doing this...
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My inspirations

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My inspirations come from dimensions and experiences that connect my mind body and soul. Sometimes I see things in angles which seem more natural than some random drawing. Also, people call my attention. The experiences they have in their lives impact the nature of my creations. I would like to thank the world and my fianceé for helping me open my eyes (all three) and seeing there is more out there than meets the eye. ~written with love,V
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Profile Comments 217

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Reinhold-Hoffmann's avatar
Heya, for the case you like to be a part of Link's Blacklist again sometimes, we start a new round in April all about the Wind Waker. We are at around 220 covered bosses and enemies so far in general, greets RH
nozox's avatar
Lovely work and gallery! Just a question- why did you think your college was terrible? (That is if you dont mind me asking D8) Did you feel like you didnt learn much from it?
Asashi-Kami's avatar
Thank you!

I don't mind you asking at all, :)  The truth is exactly that, I didn't really learn much at all.  There were 2 teachers of my whole time there that actually left an impression on me and it wasn't necessarily about drawing techniques as much as it was about standards and discipline in whatever work I did.  Other than that, it was a glorified tutorial program with a bunch of "how to do this specific model" and not enough teaching of the current techniques or process of the industry.  I was also paired with teachers on the lower end of the talent tree... 
nozox's avatar
Thanks for replying :D And yes, i too feel the exact same way. I learned jack squat in college and am only NOW beginning to grasp the most basic fundamentals through research. Ironically i only found myself improving on summer breaks on my personal time. =w=" I hope that through hard work and practice ill reach a higher level of understanding just as you did.

When i was in college, It all felt like a giant scam full of lazy and spiteful professors looking for an easy pay check. It all seemed like a joke. Just like you, i only had one professor make an impact for me. It was hard to see all of the brainwashing that was being done to students. 

Thanks for taking the time to chat, Asashi. Keep rocking on~
Asashi-Kami's avatar
It'll come in time. I'm still struggling with the fundamentals and need some refreshing every once in a while. :)
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