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Arc 4: Look who got a fashion update thanks to a particular someone >(
[ P E R S O N A L ♢ I N F O ]
Name | Zhan, Ying-Xin 湛鷹心
Ethnicity | Xingese
Age | 22
DoB | 1858 January 15
Gender | Male
Height | 5' 10" [177.8 cm]
Weight | 140 lb [63.6 kg]
Blood Type | A-
[ C L A S S ♢ S T A T S ]
Class | Military
Specialty | Sniper
Rank | Corporal♢ S T A T S ♢
Intelligence » 3
Strength » 3
Speed » 10
Vitality » 2
Weaponry » 6
Alchemy » -
Total » 24
Leadership » 2
[ ♢ H I S T O R Y ♢ ]
Ying was primarily raised by his grandparents growing up, for his father was often out doing various odd jobs while his mother ran a small tailor shop in the front of the house as a seamstress. He was the middle child between 3 older and 4 younger siblings. The large, but tight, family lived in one of the small rural villages within the Eastern Area of Amestris. His grandparents and parents had traveled from Xing in search for a new beginning and better life for their future family. It was difficult creating new roots in a new and foreign country, but they preserved, living frugally and simply. Unlike his grandparents and parents, who knew little to no English, Ying was lucky enough to be a second generation and have older siblings that had been going to the nearby school to help him along. However, school didn't interest him all that much and the alienation and rocky relationship with his classmates due to his reserved personality didn't make it any better. This lack of commutation with peers outside his immediate family also hindered his social skill development for the future. He would often skip classes to bury himself in the small bookstore of the village or train with his grandfather. The elder taught Ying Xingnese, history through stories of old, and trained him in combat (which only turned him into a punching bag for the younger ones). While some of his siblings showed potential in the principles of Alkehestry, Ying never developed the abilities unfortunately. What did develop, instead much to his chagrin, was insomnia and, often, Ying would turn to training to physically tire his body out to the point of exhaustion to be able to sleep (read: pass out).
When Ying was 14 years old, his two oldest brothers announced that they were leaving to find better jobs in Central and potentially even joining the growing Amestrian Military since it was rumored to make good money. With an age difference of 6 years, Ying especially looked up to his brothers and dreamed to follow their steps. Upon the day of departure, Ying's brothers told him that they'll "see their baby brother soon" if he works on his aim more, hinting for him to try and join the military. They knew Ying was born with remarkable eye sight and had potential become a great asset to the military with proper training and practice. Now that he was the oldest male, Ying had to pick up where his brothers left off in taking care of the family in help care for the younger children and make money with his parents, his dream pushing him along the way through thick and thin. 7 years later, Ying, too, packed his bags in hopes of following his brothers and headed out of the small village and towards Central. It wasn't until after another year of doing odd jobs to barely meet ends did Ying find a recruiter to join the Amestrian Military where his brothers were waiting.
[ ♢ P E R S O N A L I T Y ♢ ]
Ying is naturally a reserved individual, keeping his thoughts and emotions to himself, leaving a cold, pokerfaced expression on the outside. Having poor communication skills and a closed heart, he is suspicious of what others are looking for when asking for favours and distrustful of strangers. To learn more about others, he uses his sleepy appearance to give the idea that he's too tired to pay attention or is already asleep on his feet. His eyes, though half hooded, are surprisingly sharp. However, in the process of doing processing information, he would tend to over think, especially the negative aspects, and would end up knocking himself down or into a corner. When push comes to shove, Ying trusts his instincts and moves accordingly, and more often than not, haphazardly due to recklessness.
Growing up with a large family he learned to be careful of how he spends his money and can be quite stingy at times. Also ingrained in his head is the policy of respecting elders and females, the latter slapped into him by his older sister. His sense of humour ispractically nonexistent and will take everything seriously and literallyslowly developing. He even takes part in aiming for Burt's cigarettes with Malik as "sniping training" now.
[ LIKES ♢ DISLIKES ]+ Silence
+ Sleep
+ His family
+ Soft/warm things
+ Moongazing
+ Sewing
- Insomnia
- Spontaneous/Loud things/people
- Eating (why eat when you can try to sleep)
- The cold
- Lightning
[ ♢ MANNERISMS ♢ ]Unless directly ordered by a superior, or told otherwise by a higher up, he generally doesn't talk much, if at all, during first meetings. After having more than one interaction, where he has carefully judged them, then he would start talking. When he does, one would wish that he was truly mute. Ying is blunt and straight to the point, often coming off as rude. In some cases, he lacks the common sense of when to hold his tongue due to his lack in social development. He doesn't speak loudly and would mumble his point across if he does choose to speak. To avoid attachments, Ying will call others by their titles or surnames. If he does remember their name to begin with, that is.
Often seen slouching both because he's trying to avoid others and the fact that he's usually half asleep on his feet anyways. More a follower than a leader type but is the one to say "I told you so" when things are not planned out and go wrong.
[ ♢ Goals ♢ ]To make friends
To make money for his family and to find his brothers
[ A D D I T I O N A L ♢ T R I V I A ]
» Relationships
» Release Form
» Mission Log
» Voice: Wang, Leehom (Chinese) English
» Face Claim: Zhang, Junning
» Insomniac (if it wasn't already obvious)- despite his constant state of tiredness, he can pick up small details in both words and body language due to years of martial art training
» Very flexible and good at close range combat
» Has naturally very good eyesight but does not mean his aim is good (yet)
» Slightly politer to Xingese and females on default
» Has a tendency to forget to eat, opting to try and sleep instead
» Underweight and has terrible stamina due to poor eating habits
» Can't cook to save his life (he can burn cereal)
» Can sew very well (one of the things he does to pass time during a particularly long night)
» Enjoys high places. Found a way onto the roof of the barracks
» Has untamable bed head that refuses to go down (no one knows why the two ahoges are there)
» Sends a majority of the money he earns back to his family, keeping only enough to stay alive for himself
» Frequents the secret abandoned shooting range now that he learned of its location
» Lightweight drinker. He will speak "Amestrese" (half Amesterian, half Xingese) when tipsy/buzzed. Only Xingese when drunk.
» Surprisingly clumsy. Extremely disorientated after waking up
» Likes to cuddle when asleep or drunk
» Avoid any situations where someone says "It'll be fun!"
» Lost his original assigned rifle during the forest partner drill with Atticus. Luckily Tracy had a better one for sale....even though it still made his wallet cry.
» Very much acquainted with Victoria the Chicken thanks to chasing her around so often. It has turned into some sort of mini feud between the two of them much to Tracy's amusement
» The collar is courtesy of Lukas when Ying was insistent on trying to leave the med tent after being blown up with Malik
» Old app:
[ R P ♢ M E T H O D S ]
» Skype | Discord | Comment | Google Docs (you'll have to remind me constantly for that one)
» Okay with any style (lit, script, mixed), just let me know!
» May take a while to reply due to being a workaholic college student.
» Headcannons/AUs/Crack are okay (and enjoyable) too!
Image size
2000x1500px 1.62 MB
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