Your Momo-nessARVEN92 on DeviantArt

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Your Momo-ness


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Personal art that I've done after returning from Romics!

I've had a blast at the con, it was such a fantastic experience. I've been drawing for basically four days nonstop, so I was pretty exhausted when I got back XD
Moreover, after sketching characters for the wonderful people I met, I really craved to do some personal art when I got back.

I've been on this huge Avatar spree lately, and rewatched the series for like the fifth time.
Then I realized I've never made fan art. So here is Momo the flying lemur!

I'd love to draw the whole Gaang someday, when I stop sucking at drawing humans. For now, imma stick to my comfort zone with the animals.
This was an interesting study on lighting, especially the way it crosses thin surfaces like wing membranes and ears.

Moreover, I can't get over the ingenuity of Momo's design. He's such a perfect mix of animals and has such an interesting behavior. I wish he'd had a bigger role in the show.

Appa:  Appa by ARVEN92


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Character (c) Bryan Konietzko & Mike DiMartino / Nickelodeon
Art (c) :iconarven92:
Image size
3543x3071px 7.03 MB
© 2019 - 2025 ARVEN92
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CobraFreek's avatar

This's lil guy's too cute!!! Soooo adorable!! BatBatBat