Svaraarvalis on DeviantArt

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Last year I was fortunate enough to get the opportunity to work on a dragon book for Scholastic by way of Becker&Mayer Books. I got to take a crack at designing 16 different mythical dragons from all over the world for a book called Sink Your Teeth Into Dragons.

Boy this guy was a tricky one to design. The Svara has been historically described as a great, yellow dragon with giant ears, giant fangs, and a big horn on its head. As you might think, thats a lot to shove into one head. Ultimately I think I landed on a pretty cool design. Also the yellow color let me try a yellow purple complementary color palette. Let me know in the comments if there's any other historical dragon myths you'd want to see and maybe I can post that one next.

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Photoshop CC: 10 hours
Illustration©Becker&Mayer Books


Image size
5100x2700px 1.54 MB
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