Welcome to Artwork Unlimited
Welcome to ArtworkUnlimited! This is supposed to be a fun group for artists to share and admire artwork. As the name implies, there are no submission limits! But, as holds true for all groups, there are afew rules you should obey :
1. All art must be placed in the correct folders.
2. No rude language against the admins or other members.
That's about it!
If a folder you are trying to submit to is full, please leave a message to the admins, we will fix the problem ASAP.
Folder Guidelines
Landscapes landscape artwork should be submitted here, whether it's a seascape, or sunset.
Plants and Flowers I know some of us love painting the plant life of our world, so any artwork focused on plants or flowers go here.
People Any artwork containing a human being as the main focus.
Objects Any artwork of a still life object, such as a book, pencil, vase etc.
Fantasy CreaturesAny creature or beast created from your best dreams or worst nightmares.
Buildings and Structures A city scape, building, statue, boat, vehicle, all go here.
Animals If an animal is the main focus of your artwork, it belongs here.
Other If it doesn't fit anywhere else, put it here.
Monochromatic No matter the focus of your artwork, if it's monochromatic, submit it here.
Expressive Emotional artwork with deeper meanings go here.
Lineart If you'd like to share your lineart and allow others to colour them, submit them here.
Abstract Submit abstract artwork here.
Craft and sculpting Sewing, clay work, wood work, anything else physical like that goes here. That also includes 3D rendering of digital sculptures.