Scenic Swimartpearl on DeviantArt

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artpearl's avatar

Scenic Swim



Collage of several pieces of painted watrcolor paper and some bits of stock card. W&N paints mostly on Arches paper.
Original size 11×14″
Image size
4350x3186px 20.18 MB
© 2013 - 2025 artpearl
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Hixateez's avatar
This is such a fascinating piece! The fact you've cut and pasted pieces of different papers and colors on top of each other makes this picture only more interesting, since it adds a lot of texture and keeps all the shapes nicely clean and crisp:heart:
The amount of different textures and colors is amazing and makes a very beautiful, vivid picture:aww: And I also love little fishies, and lionfish are especially pretty;)