My name is Pnina Osguthorpe and I'm known in several web communities as ArtPearl.
I am focusing on painting with transparent watercolors on paper, yupo or silk.
Many of my paintings depict hypothetical situations and imaginary scenes, striving to capture ideas and moods rather then a resemblance to specific places or people.
My favourite genre is surrealism, juxtaposing familiar elements with imaginary or abstract ones, in a dream like manner.
On occasion more than one way forward to express an idea or feeling suggest themselves. I like to explore these possibilities in different paintings and thus I have several ongoing themes.
Grew up in Israel, and lived in Ca USA, Wiltshire UK, Aurora Colorado and now in Penzance, Cornwall, UK
Ph. D in Chemistry, employed in academic institutions as researcher in Chemistry/Biochemistry.
Art Classes and workshops: UCSD USA; University of Bath UK
Membership in Art Societies:
Colorado Watercolor Society, signature membership
San Diego Watercolor Society.
Recent awards:
*** Daily deviation for "Painting her ride of hope" Jan 22 2012
Juror's commendation, San Diego Watercolor Society,Januar 2012
Best Miniature, San Diego Watercolor Society, Dec 2011
1st place traditional art, Redbubble Sojie, Sep. 2011
1st place originality, Redbubble Sojie, July 2011
Juried exhibitions:
“Painting Her Ride of Hope”, Western Federation Watercolor Society", Las Vegas 2012 (accepted)
"In the Beginning", San Diego Watercolor Society January 2012 - Juror's commendation
"Celestial Origin", San Diego Watercolor Society January 2012
"Altered Reality" San Diego Watercolor Society, December 2011 - BEST MINIATURE AWARD!!!
"Guarding the Realms",San Diego Watercolor Society, December 2011
“Painting Her Ride of Hope”,
“Rebirth of the Phoenix”, San Diego Watercolor Society, September 2011
“Tutoring My Trout”, “RockStreams”, San Diego Watercolor Society, August 2011
“On the Edge of Light”, " Leap of Hope" San Diego Watercolor Society, July 2011
“Jacob’s Dream” Colorado State Watercolor, Foothills Art Center, Golden, 2011
“Triumph at Twilight” & “Confluence” CWS New Trends, Denver 2009
“Nora’s Howls” Colorado State Watercolor,History Museum, Denver 2009
“CarmenSoftShield”- Western Co Watercolor Society,Grand Junction 2007
“Lost in Reflection”-alternative painting, Colorado State Watercolor 2007
Group Exhibition:
Lindsey-Flanigan Courthouse, Denver, 2010
Jury room, Denver city and county Building, 2010
October exhibition, Co-Art Gallery, Denver,2010
“Expose Your Body(of art)”, Co-Art Gallery, 2010
The Old Firehouse Art Center, Longmont, 2009
First Plymouth Congregational Art Show, Denver 2009
Lapis Gallery, Denver, 2007
Current Residence: San DIego, Ca, USA
Favourite style of art: Surrealism
Operating System: Mac OS