JinArtoveli on DeviantArthttps://www.deviantart.com/artoveli/art/Jin-584582762Artoveli

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Artoveli's avatar




My entry for sketch round number 17 over at :iconpaperchainproject:. This is painted-bees' character, Jin! He's a Vizier and a scholar, and tends to hoard knowledge and be generally surly to all and sundry. He's also a Kimet, which is an avian species that painted-bees has put a lot of time and effort into designing!

Hope you like it, painted-bees! I almost forgot the specs, had to add them in last minute. :XD: Annnnd don't ask me why the moon is behind him, it just seemed right for the composition and the character somehow. :shrug:
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1788x2084px 873.61 KB
© 2016 - 2025 Artoveli
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hpholo's avatar
I knew I recognized that character! I love painted-bees' work. I even had her illustrate the cover for my recent novel! Your interpretation of this character is great, by the way - definitely Jin, but with your own recognizable flair. :D