Current Residence: Earth
Operating System: Mac OS 10.2
MP3 player of choice: iPod Shuffle
Shell of choice: Silverstein
Favourite cartoon character: Freakazoid!
Personal Quote: Quoth the crocodile, "Pancreas, pancreas, pancreas. Don't quote me."
Ah, you're still active! What a pleasant surprise haha. I was just looking at some of your work from 2009 and thinking how sad it was that so many artists seem to have left. Keep up the good work!
I am, lol! Man, I know what you mean. Things have really changed around here, and it's a crying shame. But I could never leave DA.
Thanks for the DevWatch, by the way!
Thanks for the Llama!
Do you take requests?
Hi! No, sorry, I do not.
To bad I was hoping you could draw this orphan boy from this book I am writing.