Queen Amidala ColoredArtofLaurieB on DeviantArthttps://www.deviantart.com/artoflaurieb/art/Queen-Amidala-Colored-171680384ArtofLaurieB

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ArtofLaurieB's avatar

Queen Amidala Colored



And here's the colored version of Queen Amidala. I decided to flip the image so it would work better with the title. The original is drawn like the rough sketch, and I flipped it in photoshop.

A quick tip; if you look at your art in the mirror (or flip it digitally) and your piece looks funny, that means that something's wrong. I'm constantly checking out my work like that to make sure things look proper!

I thought about having a bit of a background texture so it would bring out her white makeup, but that would've drowned out her red outfit, which I think really pops off the page.

It was a fun concept, I was planning to have a different character doing her makeup in the mirror, but thought it'd be cool to have Amidala because she's just got that one stripe down the middle for lipstick.

As usual, drawn on bristol board and colored pencils! Hope you like it!
Image size
406x672px 65.32 KB
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RoverGirl's avatar
Very amusing and cute. :)