I come from Poland but live in Ireland for the last 5 years. I work as an architect in Irish office and after hours like to make things with my own hands. I made my first clay models when I was 9. It was few gremlins based on series of stickers from bubble gum. I sculpted it in clay and painted with poster paints, it didnt stick to surface so I had to cover it with transparent nail paint. Second were 2 figurines from Captain Planet tv series. I saw incredible commercial on german TV and I dreamt about toy like that! So I made it with cheap polimer clay with hands joints made of small screw and straw. They could raise the hand and call Captain Planet to save the earth It was so many years ago, long before all the knowledge in internet i didn't have access then. After that I tried different drawing, painting techniques, went to university and stopped being creative for few years (apart from things made for school and later for office)
I am going to my roots now, to things which shaped me. You can see what will be born from that in my gallery here and on my blog.
Thanks for reading! Save the planet!!!
Current Residence: Ireland
MP3 player of choice: ipod touch!!!
Favourite cartoon character: Wall-e