Campaign of Southeast Asia (Part 2)ArtHistorian2000 on DeviantArt

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Campaign of Southeast Asia (Part 2)



In 1944, the Allies had the upper hand over China in Southeast Asia's battles: after Chinese defeat in India, the Allies managed to liberate the region through two main fronts, the Burmese front led by British and the Thai front led by Japanese.

Bangkok is occupied on April 1944, while other cities are liberated one after another: Rangoon, Phnom Penh, Saigon, Vientiane, Hanoi...

In Indochina, Ho Chi Minh's troops managed to liberate large parts of Vietnam. In Tibet, Japanese and Malagasy reached Lhasa. After months of fights, the Allies are at doors of the Chinese Republic, threatening large cities: Hong Kong, Shenzhen, Guangzhou or even Kunming are daily bombed.

With Soviet and Japanese intervention in the North, China is encircled by enemies. Time is running for Chiang but his soldiers defend the country very well, slowing Allies' advance.

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