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Robyn Huffaker
59 Watchers40 Deviations
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Deviation Spotlight

Artist // Student
Llama: Llamas are awesome! (7)
My Bio

Current Residence: The third floor of the college art building. ^^
Favourite genre of music: I tend to like hard rock, though operas are pretty neat.
Operating System: They all suck
Shell of choice: I always thought pistachio shells were nice.
Wallpaper of choice: I don't like wallpaper. Paint is much better.
Skin of choice: wrinkly.. definitely like wrinkles
Personal Quote: If all you ever plan on drawing is the same old, same old, why bother?

Favourite Visual Artist
Allen Lee
Favourite Movies
The Incredibles
Favourite Bands / Musical Artists
Idunno. I guess David Bowie was pretty cool in his day.
Favourite Writers
Garth Nix
Favourite Games
Settlers of Catan
Favourite Gaming Platform
table, though I'll use the floor if I have to.
Tools of the Trade
Pencil, paper, scanner, photoshop, wacom, gouache, anything that works.
Other Interests
Concept illustration, games, lots of stuff
So today I got on and saw there were a few new messages.  Looked and saw three new favorites for More Mushrooms, and a comment on it.  I thought that was kinda random.  So I clicked on the deviation to see if I coulda figure out what was going on.  Lo and behold, 23 views today, plus one or two on everything else.  At this point, I was thinking to myself, "Somebody's pimpin the mushrooms!"I looked all over my watchers and friends trying to find the culprit.  Nada.Looked over at the little September "Unknown Artists" thingy in announcements and thought.... I wonder... Tada! Looky! :dance: I'm totally there!  Not quite like a DD, but hey! :...
anonymous's avatar
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Do you expect replies back for comments you give on other people's art?

10 votes

From small fries like you? Definently! I mean, it's not like you're busy like those big-time artists.

Pfft! Replys? Are you kidding? I should be paid MONEY for commenting on your art.

I require at least a paragraph reply for any comment longer than "Cute!

I people who reply. It only proves they have no life.

I like replies, but I prefer they be rhymed and in iambic pentameter.

From small fries like you? Tch! I Don't clutter my messages with your silly idiocies. Be greatful I even commented!

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Brief on me: So... turns out maybe I WON'T go to San Francisco after all.  I still think I'll be going to a different college shortly, but I'm thinking about the Columbus College of Art and Design or Ringling's School of Art and Design (in Florida).  Both schools are comparable to AAU SF in both quality and tuition cost, but there are two major differences.1) It ain't California.  Living costs won't be quite so horrible.  Columbus probably cheapest. 2) They take major transfer credits.  You have to submit 2 pieces for every class you want credit for,  but chances are I would only have to go to either of these schools for two years, which i...
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Profile Comments 85

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Blustormrain's avatar
KristenPauline's avatar
Hi! I just stumbled on your gallery this afternoon. You have some nice illustrations in there. Keep up the drawing and painting! Love the 'shrooms by the way.
estal's avatar
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I took this new free iQ quiz my friend showed me. you should check it out. just CLICK HERE TO TAKE THE FREE IQ TEST
yakkingyetis's avatar
Jane-doe123's avatar
you sir the small boat does when the squid attack
PrimalDarkness's avatar
Whatcha do, skip out on customers. That's a no no, girly. Gotta respect the customers.
loudchai's avatar
Wonderful, inventive gallery you have!

Very illustrative and beautiful painting style. :heart: