I CHALLENGE MY FATE!! Fire EmblemArtfrog75 on DeviantArthttps://www.deviantart.com/artfrog75/art/I-CHALLENGE-MY-FATE-Fire-Emblem-990926403Artfrog75

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FIRE EMBLEM in somewhat different appearance than usual.

Firelite-photo MAY THE EMBLEMS WATCH OVER THE PEOPLE THIS SEASONFirelite-photo  For this art, I have decided to draw this series of characters once again with different colors and styled line art. Not every game is the same, so what is demonstrated is somewhat reflective of the vibes and themes of the different Fire Emblem games. 

11/3/2023- Turns out everything is going to be just fine in the end. 

12/9/2023- All of my artworks are wonderful, with and without flaws. :)


P.S. Thank you all for the Heart Heart Heart Heart Heart 

(C) Shouzou Kaga
      Intelligent Systems (IS)
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2400x3504px 2.87 MB
© 2023 - 2025 Artfrog75
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ArsArren's avatar

Hey, I've been scrolling over this artwork posted in @ProjectComment , thinking on how to comment on it for months now.

Listen, I'm going to warn you right now that this comment is going to lack substance due to how perfect your art is, but what it lacks in substance, it'll make up for in volume, and hopefully a bit of entertainment.

Welp, here's yet another one of those drawings with no low hanging fruit to offer criticism on! Set up a booth at the flea market and you'll sell this bad boy for over a hundred bucks easy. FinerWorks is a pretty good printing and framing company, but I bet you've got one already. Every character is spot on and instantly recognizable. You can scarcely find a single line, color or shade out of place, save for the the characters who've been drawn smaller, so their facial features are slightly but understandably more vague.


Maybe you could make the sclera white? It'd still look fine if you didn't.

My favorite bits are Camilla, Corrin and Lucina, because I like women, but I also think that Ike's square and manly jaw line is well captured. It's also impressive how you capture this many people and get them stuffed into one artwork.

You said it in the description yourself, "All of my artworks are wonderful, with and without flaws",. Even your attitude is perfect because you can never have too much confidence. If you can't criticize something though, you can always suggest something new that the artist can try, so in place of criticism that's all anyone can do for ya.

So, suggestions... I don't know, make Camilla topless? I'm kidding... but I'm kind of not. What I mean is, going through your gallery, you've absolutely mastered drawing various animated characters, and it doesn't matter how wildly different the designs are. Sponge Bob's design is ten degrees different from Ike or Roy's but your execution is spot on regardless. At the same time, your artworks contain so many different subjects, before long, it'll be hard to name someone you haven't drawn. Like, I can't even confidently do it now because if I do, I've probably overlooked something you've already done. I don't see Dragon Ball I guess? It wouldn't break the mold much if you did draw a Dragon Ball collage, and it'd be a step backwards if you started drawing trees and fruit bowls. No artist is obligated to break the mold once they've got their style mastered, so you're good if you keep doing what your doing, but if you're in the market for a new avenue, yeah, I'd say NSFW or start designing original characters. If you choose the former, make an alt account though, so you don't ruin the kid friendly page you got here.

Also, found him. I found Goku in your gallery.
