Vailed (Evil Inbilley)Artermixel on DeviantArt

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Vailed (Evil Inbilley)



the last member of the Evil mascot Vailed also known as Evil Inbilley
He's is brains of the group (like Inbilley who always comes up with smart idea to get out of trouble of where and when his friends at and always succeed or not)
He also has a blurry vision like Inbilley that's why they both wear glasses
He has a passion with money, diamonds and other stuff and never giving it to someone other than his evil friends (representing the sin of greed)
he's mostly the inventor of the group always making machines and gadgets (and one time he and Borange have a competition to see who is the best inventor and she won causing the Evil mascots running away but Vailed's machine exploded because of Malack throwing at them and sending them into the air)
and he's is like a evil genius
(Plus Borange knows that there are other and better inventors like her like what she's is not that envious)

Vailed © Me
Inbilley © Me
Image size
1091x815px 107.02 KB
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