Halloween- Blaire and DwightArtemismoon12 on DeviantArthttps://www.deviantart.com/artemismoon12/art/Halloween-Blaire-and-Dwight-264477464Artemismoon12

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Artemismoon12's avatar

Halloween- Blaire and Dwight



Its the background which does it, so out there. I love it.
And Blaire and Dwight are my current drawing obsessions.

Remember to enter Dalton-Lover's Halloween contest! (this isn't an entry but just an example of something to do)

Character Blaire Anderson- kinda belongs to FOX, but not really.
Character Dwight Houston- Belongs to CPCoulter
Image size
961x868px 1.16 MB
© 2011 - 2025 Artemismoon12
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DoctorGeet's avatar
Whoot, DWIGHT! I love him :heart: Good Job!