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Deviation Spotlight

  • Mar 31
  • Deviant for 14 years
  • He / Him
Super Albino Llama: Llamas are awesome! (258)
My Bio

Current Residence: under your bed
Favourite genre of music: I like all as long as it's good^^
Favourite style of art: manga/anime
Favourite cartoon character: Skullman Professor Layton luffy bardock zoro Jotaro-Kujo!
Personal Quote:love is looking with the eyes of your heart, Never give up even if it cost you your life! just because I wear glasses does not mean that I can't kick your ass!

Favourite Visual Artist
Tachibana-su Michia-mira ppshex o0Kawaii0o TrustOurWorldNow Suihara nyaomeimei DAV-19 lotusl MiMikuChair Sandy-kun Amaya-Neko-Chan gofu-web
Favourite Movies
Transformers Sin city Resident evil
Favourite TV Shows
Favourite Bands / Musical Artists
Eikichi Yazawa! Kageyama hironobu Hatsune miku lotus juice Konomi Suzuki ROOKiEZ is PUNK'D~
Favourite Games
Persona4 Harvest Moon Yu-gi-oh Devil survivor Pokemon DBZ Professor-Layton Phoenix Wright Persona3
Favourite Gaming Platform
I have no favorite
Tools of the Trade
Other Interests
Voice-Acting Games Drawing Anime Cooking Game-Music Kendo Bushido Boxing
Just like the titel say's HApppyyyy New year~! boy and girl's!I wish 4 tho's who had a bad year that, this year will be beter 4 you^^and 4 tho's who had a nice year~ keep it up I would say~and enjoy all the lovely :iconfireworks-plz::iconfireworks-plz::iconfireworks-plz::iconfireworks-plz::iconfireworks-plz:wiht love G.S^^
anonymous's avatar
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2 day whas just a normaal school day work work work~! until the second break I whas just eating my lunch and talking outside wiht some friend's when sudenlly a ohter guy I know got back from cantine and came up 2 me and sad that he saw on his way here a group of guy's  bullying/intimidating a small/lil girl (A GROEP OF GUY"S AGAINST A  SMALLER GIRL HOW WEAK CAN IT GET!!!?) so afther he told me that I took a look! and of course trying 2 stop it! when I got ther the girl whas about 2 get hit by 1 of tho's asshole's becous she dident whant 2 give money  (sorry 4 my word's  but that's just how it is~!) I sad stop right ther!! Luckly when I sad...
anonymous's avatar
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I know its a lil early 4 most euro guy's and girl's like me^^; but beter early than never right~!!??the reason why I do it right now! is becous I have a party 2 at-tent 2 later in the evening^^ where/which I have 2 sing too^^; (Why always me....)so! HAPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPP NNNNNNNNNNEEEEEEEEEEEWWWWWWWWW YEEEEEEEAAAAAAAAAAAAARRRRRRRRRRRR~! and my 2012 be a greeeeeeaaat and niceee year 4 you all:iconbrohugplz:^^ ps,If you ar wonder-ing what song~!? here^^ (its a duo song) (most of my friend's love/like that song)and I say in 1 more time~!! Happy New Year all^^Gohan-Sensei out~!!!
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Profile Comments 8.3K

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NickRoberts10's avatar
Happy birthday, fellow Code Geass fan!
NickRoberts10's avatar
Happy birthday, fellow Code Geass fan!
NickRoberts10's avatar
Happy birthday, fellow Code Geass fan!
A-F-T-E-R-G-L-O-W's avatar
Hello there random deviant. :) (Smile) *clicked the random deviant button* Just want to spread the love. :) (Smile)

You are beautiful and worth it, no matter what people say. <3

Have a hug too. Hug
Don't be afraid to pass this on if you want.I am a dummy!

And have a nice day/evening/night. :3

Stay-fresh Happy 

Sincerely, halothekittycat 
Happy Helper of the Happy-Squad
Skelleste's avatar
I just have to say that your icon is beautiful.
AureoKat's avatar
Bro! Persona Q was released....but I have yet to get it...just a heads up...^^;
armor-dragon-knigth2's avatar
I see Well thats oke sissy~ dont worry about it take you're time I would say girl^^