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  • Aug 23
  • United States
  • Deviant for 11 years
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anonymous's avatar
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Hey there Armando,

I wrote you a message about potentially purchasing some of your artwork. Looking forward to hearing from you. Talk soon.

ArmandoBaez1949's avatar
Hola Mi Amigo. I have been reviewing the CLIP STUDIO PAINT PRO (Best for concept artists, illustrators & designers) and V
<div>CLIP STUDIO PAINT EX (Best for comic artists, manga artists &amp; animators) and the problem I am having is that I like both...but I still need to see or have you show just what CLIP STUDIO PAINT can do from your house. I will make some notes and some time in the month of August we will set a date and hook up with some mead and enjoy the time.</div>2-B-continued...
Sol-Caninus's avatar
Hola! Armando - you can get a free trial version of CLP here… Try it out.  Play with it.  If you like it you can buy it at whatever price they're offering, now, or wait for the sales where they go for deep discounts ( 1/2 to 1/3 the usual price).  They used to do that twice a year or more.  

Last visit 18 weeks ago!  Are you serious?  Get it in gear, man.  LOL.  :D
ArmandoBaez1949's avatar
Hummmmm...yes, just who could "that" fellow be???
Sol-Caninus's avatar
Psssst.  you commented on your own page, instead of replying to my comment.  Click the reply button under my icon to open the dialog box and type your message there, then click submit comment.  Otherwise, it's not a reply to my comment but a comment on yourself.  

A reply to a comment should get nested under the comment to which it replies.  If it's even with it, then it's a stand alone comment, not a reply.  
ArmandoBaez1949's avatar
Hummmmm...yes, just who could "that" fellow be???...OK. heh, heh, heh.

Sol-Caninus's avatar
Wow!  Talk about a long turn-around time.  Well, better late than never!  LOL
BTW - CS2 suite has In-Design, Illustrator, and a bunch of other software.  It's free, and legal, but it's no longer supported. So, if it craps out, you just download a copy of the programs from Adobe.  
Otherwise, GIMP, Inkscape, Krita, and a bunch more open source graphic editing programs are available.  Google something like "ten best open source graphic editing software programs" and you'll get an idea where to start

Of course, nothing beats Clip Studio Paint/Manga Studio 5.  The base version (Pro) can be gotten for 25$ on sale once or twice a year.  The extended program (EX) costs a little more - like 85 bucks (on sale).  

I gave you all this info already, so I'm repeating myself.  Do the research, start collecting the open source free programs and the Adobe CS2 suite.  See what you like.  if you can't live with any of them, go to the Celsys website and check out Clip Studio Paint Pro and EX

Let me know how it goes.  And I still have a few of these programs, so I can demonstrate them for you, if you like.  But I never use them, myself, now that I have CSP.