ShopDreamUp AI ArtDreamUp

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This is young Berry. A bite-sized Berry with humming bird wings. He can't fly yet. He also doesn't have his tramp stamp yet. Meaning his doppelganger, Bitter, isn't around yet. Berry bumps into the crusty-mark crucifiers and he runs off with scootaloo to practice flying. Berry's full name is Berry Sweet. A Girl's name right? His parent's expected him to be a girl, and he had longer hair back them. Kind of looked like one without the lashes...ahem, so yeah, girl name, brown mane, oh oh! the doppelganger thing. His name is Bitter sweet. though you can just call him Bitter. He usually punk's Berry on the daily. Berry eventually finds evil Berry while hes still young, just not in this picture. Look for the orange sign that looks like : ) :
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504x360px 52.68 KB
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