Harborarisuonpaa on DeviantArthttps://www.deviantart.com/arisuonpaa/art/Harbor-782514753arisuonpaa

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arisuonpaa's avatar




This one took a bit longer than my usual paintings. I spent a good amount of time just studying old oil paintings and tried to take whatever I liked in each of them into my own work. After doing several small thumbnail sketches I chose one and repainted it larger.

I'm still using the Digital Atelier pack for Krita, but this time I tried to take things even further in my quest for a traditional feel in a digital painting. For one, I used a limited palette, like the old masters had to when most of their pigments were earth colors. There's a great temptation to increase the saturation, but this way it looks more traditional. Also, I made sure the canvas texture is visible everywhere, except where I'm simulating thicker paint (which is in the brightest highlights). Some of the brushes already add the canvas texture, but I also added it in a separate layer where needed. Also, a generic brush stroke pattern was used, which is most visible in the sky and the lower right corner in shadow.

Special thanks to my co-workers who helped with critique, and who pointed out lots of obvious errors I just couldn't see.
Image size
3043x4000px 10.4 MB
© 2019 - 2025 arisuonpaa
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Montidrawz's avatar
hi, can you share with me one of the pastel brushes of the digital atelier set please? You see the whole brush set costs too much in my currency for a hobbyist like me.