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Home of the Dracons
407 Watchers


Eidan On Top Of A Castle.

Requests, Collabs, Commissions, Trades, Gifts

49 deviations
Ryda and Shahlim


11 deviations
Exhausted Littlefoot


27 deviations

The Kobold Apprentice, Part 1

“Arjun, bring me the tongs, please” the blue-robed mage had just finished pouring the potion into one of his glass cylinders, and he needed to move it. Arjun, a tan-skinned reptilian kobold, had been his assistant and student for about a year now.As a kobold, Arjun stood about one and a fifth meters tall, with a pair of horns growing from a lizard-like head. His snout was full of sharp fangs, and while he stood on the ground much as a human did, he balanced himself out with a small, ropey tail. His hands and feet were clawed, each with three fingers or toes, plus a thumb on each hand and a spur on each foot. Looking through the tool box, h...

The Kobold Apprentice

5 deviations


63 deviations
Economics Demotivator

Motivational Posters

18 deviations
Hot Planet

Planets and Stars

105 deviations

Dracon Bathhouses

The demands imposed by urban life create as many opportunities as they do problems, especially among a species as contentious as our own. Concentrating an often short-tempered race in a dense area inevitably leads to conflicts, especially when the overcrowding is only one of many other issues facing the city Dracon. Crime, unemployment, disease, and a lack of hygiene all plague the less prosperous districts of even the wealthiest of cities. In the opinion of this historian, most of the measures undertaken by the kings in the greatest of Dracon cities have been little more than palliatives, measures designed to ease the pain of the problems without actually solving them. Arenas, racetracks, and theaters all serve to distract the masses from their plight, with even the cultural value of the latter coming a distant second to their diversionary value. With all that understood, there is one common diversionary institution found in the major cities of the Dracon Realms which has at least

Dracon Literature

82 deviations

Halfling Culture

Halflings are perhaps the most unique of all humanoid races, at least among those who closely resemble their namesake. Standing at only three to three and a half feet tall, their stature is, unsurprisingly, about half that of a human. Much like elves, they possess pointed ears, albeit ones which don't extend as far and are pointed back instead of up, and they share the short stature and thick-soled feet of goblins. They usually have brown, red, or orange hair (with rare instances of black or blonde hair) with eye colors ranging from brown to blue, from hazel to green. Halfling feet are proportionally half again as large as those of most humans. Male halflings have hair on their feet much like a human man would have a beard, while female feet are hairless, much like that of a humaness' face. As distinctive as halfling biology is, their culture is even more so. While they share the usual patterns of male-led families, polytheistic religion, and a settled agricultural lifestyle common to

Other Fantasy Literature

12 deviations
Night Trap vs. FNAF


10 deviations
The Dracon Lands

Role-Playing Maps

21 deviations
Open the Bay Doors


23 deviations
Ciudad Mitad del Mundo Monument


85 deviations

Schools of Magic Overview

Each of the Schools of Magic refer to a different way magic is used. While other materials may have gone over the magics separately, this guide gives a brief explanation of them all in one place.Keep in mind that each school of magic classifies how magic is used, not what type of magic is used. For example, One can use fire magic to create a fireball (evocation), or the imbue a weapon with the ability to burst into flame (enchantment), and both schools would make use of the same underlying fire magic. Elemental magic can fall into any of these categories, but most elemental spells tend to be evocation, abjuration, or conjuration sp...

Schools of Magic

14 deviations
Simple Nebula Tutorial


1 deviation
Young Cavern Drake Sketch


28 deviations

Wounded Souls Chapter 1: Futility

Deidre stood next to the mansion, located on the mountain she called home. Wearing her brown vest and matching shorts, the female kobold stared out at the thin sliver of land she called home. The view was fantastic, and she enjoyed it even as it caused her much grief. The whole would was spread in front of her to see, and yet she couldn’t visit any of it, apart from the port located near its base. Her master would never allow it. On occasion, she considered leaping off the cliffs in the hopes that her magic would somehow save her from the rocks below, but some days were so bad she felt the rocks would be preferable to yet another day in sl...

Wounded Souls

2 deviations


17 deviations


53 deviations
National Shrine Nave

Washington DC

7 deviations

Dungeon Encounters

29 deviations

Wizardry 8 Creatures

6 deviations