Who Reacts to Alex Yells at Marty?ArielAriasPetzoldt on DeviantArthttps://www.deviantart.com/arielariaspetzoldt/art/Who-Reacts-to-Alex-Yells-at-Marty-1146716521ArielAriasPetzoldt

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Who Reacts to Alex Yells at Marty?



Here's a meme contains pictures of Marty the Zebra (who was voiced by Chris Rock) (Madagascar (2005)) is yelling at Alex the Lion (who was voiced by Ben Stiller) (Madagascar (2005)) when he thinks he’s just an ordinary guy who likes to become the king of New York City more often to herself when they’re pretending to be Mario (who was voiced by Chris Pratt) (Super Mario Bros.) and Donkey Kong (who was voiced by Seth Rogen) in “The Super Mario Bros. Movie” (2023) by Universal Pictures and Illumination Entertainment.

Feel free to use it.

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SaucerofPeril's avatar

Guess what? I’ve made a meme for you. Do you like it so much?

Rango reacts to Alex yelling at Marty