So art scams. I know damn well that asking people for their art and then lie saying you’ll pay them back is scummy. So basically, these are scammers who‘s clients are idiots. I am 18 years old and I do not fall for these. I have tried to see what happened the first time and I had to get a friend to talk to them. Then the second time was begging. Here’s the article:
For more information:
It is the first day of Summer,
No crys, no thumbs down
Everybody was happy in town
@gh0st184 was in the beach,
hanging with Ari, oh so sweet!
@LordPumpseedious were in their lawn,
smelling flowers was unique
No ughs , no gas leaks
@ItsIduna sings with Ariana,
Being so nice!
Not one in return yelled,
Not one in return thinks about hell