WDW Undead Pirates Stock 5AreteStock on DeviantArthttp://creativecommons.org/licenses/by/3.0/https://www.deviantart.com/aretestock/art/WDW-Undead-Pirates-Stock-5-263820246AreteStock

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AreteStock's avatar

WDW Undead Pirates Stock 5



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A series of Undead Pirates from various stores across Walt Disney World.

Not sure what his keys are for. This guy was (still is?) up on the wall of the boys' merchandise room at the World of Disney.

The Rules:

This stock photo is free for all to use. I ask only two things:

1. That I be given proper credit as the provider of stock with a link back to either my front page or to the original photo and

2. That you send me the link to the stock use, because I love to see my stock in use.

And just as an FYI, although my stock is unrestricted, you cannot use pictures of Disney (or other trademarked/copyrighted) characters in something you'd like to make into a print here on dA or elsewhere. :huggle:

(full stock rules can be found on my profile or my journal tab :D)
Image size
2592x1944px 7.11 MB
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