Howl's moving CastleArdinaryas on DeviantArt

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Ardinaryas's avatar

Howl's moving Castle



Hi guys, I'm back with Ghibli's painting :)
I got inspired by :iconmurph3:  check him out, he's such a super talented artist! :)
This is the painting that inspired me doing the painting: Sword in the Stone by Murph3
So, basically it's some kind of challenge and study for me. 
Now, you should do it too as a challenge and study for a better skill. Pick your 2D scene from your favorite film, and do a painting over it to create a solid looking painting. :D :D :D 

oh btw, I posted my breakdown process of this painting in my blog here:…
check it out! ;)

my other tutorial of Ambient Occlusion painting technique:
Ambient Occlusion Painting Tutorial by artspell
my works:
Frozen Queen by artspellHigh Class Bandit? by artspellCerberus Unchain by artspell

buy my doge t-shirt and art prints here:…
Sir Doge by artspell
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1250x669px 489.65 KB
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