Hello there and welcome to my page
I'm someone who has enjoyed drawings since he was 5 years old and still continues to draw till this day and majored in Graphic Design at university (which I'm now graduated from). If you look at my gallery the one thing I enjoy drawing is generally fanart as I've always enjoyed drawing my favorite cartoon and anime characters since I was a kid and took inspiration from different artists and animators such as Doug TenNapel, Akira Toriyama, John Kricfalusi, Ken Sugimori (and Mato), Mine Yoshizaki, Richard Williams among other artists be it those who have worked on video games, comics and anime/cartoons I've enjoyed or even various artists I've looked up to online. I also am someone who enjoys animating from time to time and hope to make something out of it at some point.
Just a reminder that I take a while to draw things.
I also post my art in these websites. But be advised that some of these galleries may contain adult content so be advised.
Also check out my Facebook Page, Art Tumblr, Instagram and Twitter where I also post my art and even post sketches and art I don't post on here and my other galleries.
I also make Youtube videos and occasionally stream. If you want to check out my videos and watch my steams go to these links.
If you love my art and just want to drop any support feel free to donate any DA points to me or hell buy me a Ko-Fi.
Thanks for the fave!
Thanks 4 the favs! I also post a new comic every Sunday for my #zemaracomic. You are welcome to 'watch' my account & follow along with Zemara's adventure!
Hey! I was having a slow day until I came across your DA profile. Your work really caught my eye, and I thought, why not make a new friend? Hope that’s cool with you😍
Thanks for the fav.
Your crossover drawings are fantastic, you should check out my gallery
You're not better then Spax