Morrigan the mad ProphetArchonW on DeviantArt

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Morrigan the mad Prophet



Despite what I said, another DnD-Character. Tablet died and if felt like the messed up Warlock/Paladin from the drunk new years eve game session was the perfect guinea pig to fool around with all art style I'm even remotely familiar with.
Well, and to disillusion the people who now watched me for the nice and clean standard fantasy pics of the necromancer and the orc.
This is the bullshit I thrive one.

Technical notes:
Crosshatching/shading partially influence by JeanGgiraud and Richard Corbe, who both do it in a very shape-oriented way, but with a very different approach.
Also tried to incorperate more saturated colours, as that has been a big weakness of me for a long time.

Thanks also to :iconalexmcgreal:, who recommended the line of tablets, and influenced my decision to get one with a build in screen. I owe you one, man.
Image size
1600x1148px 755.15 KB
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