Snow Shine meets Cherry BlossomARCGaming91 on DeviantArt

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Snow Shine meets Cherry Blossom



After the defeat of Discord and the unfortunate death of Dark Seizure. Smash finally decided to introduce his lovely GF Snow Shine to his mother; Cherry Blossom. Cherry Blossom arrived in Ponyville one day and became really happy that her son had a GF to start a solid relationship with.

Cherry: Smash? Is this young mare your girlfriend?
Smash: Yes, mom. This is Snow Shine and she is amazing.
Cherry: She is so Beautiful. *tears of joy* I am so glad that you managed to get such a great mare.
Smash: So shall we have a family-dinner one day?
Cherry: Oh absolutley! I will make preperations right away!

Meanwhile, none of the three ponies noticed that Photo-Clerk Studio (Smash Gamer's father), was also in Ponyville and saw from the distance that his son had a GF.

Photo-Clerk: What on Earth is going on over there? Smash? Is that you?

Vector credits:
Background - evilbob0
Snow Shine (:iconcaticornqueen00:), Smash Gamer, Cherry Blossom & Photo-Clerk Studio - Pony Creator
Image size
1192x670px 296.76 KB
© 2018 - 2025 ARCGaming91
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ShadowWolf935's avatar
That's so sweet.