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arabesque-o's avatar

Literature Text

it's as unfamiliar as breathing water, this feeling:
this can't-stop-thinking-about-them
this elementary might 'like LIKE you, like you'
this tidal-wave stomach-storm,
this can't say
this nervous jitter 

my heartbeat could storm a castle 
at just the thought of touching their face
and I'm writing bad poetry again,
knowing that this is just another sign
I've tripped and fallen down the staircase again
but this time it feels innocent
it feels unsure,
tentative- like the way a baby opens its eyes for the first time
or the way you learn to fly.
unsteady, heady, and a little bit tipsy 
on the unspoken longing.

this is a language I have never spoken well,
a foreign country I do not remember.
forgive me,
I don't know the rules
I am a unschooled 5th grader
afraid of your touch
but yearning for it anyway
I am a mountain full of tremble,
I do not know how to hold my feel-too-much to my chest.
you are not a safety blanket
but you just might be my next revolution.

everything's strange.
but I wrote about it, which means its real serious right? which isn't a good sign for life plan A. 
i'm ridiculous and absolutely drunk on life. 
© 2015 - 2025 arabesque-o
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Tx0x's avatar
Your poetry isn't bad girl. Don't think that. It's good. Deep and honest. More people need to write like you. Keep it up. Hope you're ok and safe. Stay strong.