
the politics of emotion

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arabesque-o's avatar

Literature Text

unzip my spine
turn my skin inside out
and burn everything it houses.

I'm sick to death of the casualties of my mistakes,
my chronic failures like a fire burning down
those I love most.
break the record
I don't want to keep replaying
these old patterns.

look me in the eye
and tell me I'm not the common denominator
of all the times something broke.
I want to see you try to lie
don't patronize me,
if this was the test
I've failed it again.

I'm not sure I believe in
starting again anymore-
I'm too tired to get up again
purity is too far out of my grasping hands.
© 2016 - 2025 arabesque-o
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Tx0x's avatar
You are a strong person. Even with the battles you face. You have never been a failer. We struggle with things that are sometimes to hard for our own beings. But know you are stronger then the mistakes of your past. Hang in there..stay strong in yourself.