Favourite Movies
X-Men The First Class, The Hunger Games, many more
Favourite TV Shows
X-Men Evolution, FMA:Brotherhood, Teen Titans, Wolverine and the X-Men, Chrno Cusade, GLEE, Eureka
Favourite Bands / Musical Artists
Nickelback, Breaking Benjamin, Linkin Park, Oomph, Evanescence, Bon Jovi, Queen, All That Remains, Imagine Dragons
Favourite Books
Dean Koontz: Lightening, The Bad Place, Review; Mike Burnell: Gemini, Chris Kuznieski: Sword of God, Stephen King: Dream Catcher
Favourite Writers
Stephen King, Dean Koontz
Favourite Games
Far Cry 3, Dead Island, Outlast, Dying Light, MineCraft
Favourite Gaming Platform