Thank you for watching me~
I understand if you don't have Facebook, since I know not everyone does, but if you do I would really appreciate it if you could like my page c:
I've also started up a competition of sorts, where the most active person on my page (by commenting, liking and sharing) at the end of each month will get a drawing by me of anything they choose

if you decide to join in, you can keep track of your rank by going to the 'Suzu's Top Fans' app in the left column~ Then you just come back every now and then and like and comment on my newest art or you can go back a few years and like some of my old art if you really want to! (I added years of sketches and my early digital work to the page recently

If you like the page please send me a message or comment and tell me if there was a specific fandom you followed me for, and I'll try posting more art related to it c:
Thank you for supporting me on deviantArt~ and for reading all this text

it wasn't supposed to be this long, I swear
Anyway, yes. Thank you.
<3 Suzu