apoy's avatar


ReD Ognita
226 Watchers71 Deviations
Artist // Photography
  • Deviant for 19 years
Super Llama: Llamas are awesome! (29)
facebook ognita.com
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anonymous's avatar
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ElyneNoir's avatar
I've featured your artwork in my journal: [link] :)
Shadoisk's avatar
You have a very beautiful gallery, can't wait to see more! : )
thanksthatisenough's avatar
:icongroupjoinplz: :iconballoonplz: Thanks for joining :iconwater-and-nature-art:. We appreciate your support and we are glad to expose your art. :iconhappehdanceplz:

To get started we have some information for you:

Our submission guidelines [link]

You may submit shots in our current month folder [link]

and journals in this folder [link]

Every month we are voting on the best submissions of the month as for example here [link]

if you have question note me :iconlenmanaa: please

we would also appreciate any active participation in our group – every suggestion is welcome

we wish you many happy ours in our group and are seeing forward to your submissions :iconclearflowerplz:

Doll-Ladi's avatar
:iconeufrosis: I want to personally thank you for joining our group we are happy to have you as a member and hope that you will submit some of your best works welcome

apoy's avatar
Humbled to be invited :)

Thank you Melissa!
Torajio's avatar
So, I just watched you and faved some of your photos, I'll take a whole tour on your work a little later. I just love what you do, I don't really have words for this. =)
onisch's avatar
awesome gallery!