Gan Jin Tribe LeaderApophis324 on DeviantArt

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Gan Jin Tribe Leader



NOTE: On the left is my first attempt at the Gan Jin Tribe Leader (back in 2007), right is a new version I made in 2012.

I always loved remaking obscure characters and this is one of my most obscure. Featured in only one episode, this old bearded man is the leader of the Gan Jin Tribe. In the episode he appears in, he and his tribe try to cross a canyon known as the Great Divide. However, he has to travel alongside his arch-nemisis and her tribe; the Zhang. Avatar Aang tries his best to keep te peace between the two tribes, but they eventually split up. The moment they meet each other again, they start to fight, first against each other, later against a hoard of Canyon Crawlers. The Gan Jin Tribe contains mostly older people. They're very fond of hygiene and order, while the Zhang are pretty much the opposite. Eventually Aang manages to create peace between the two groups by telling a white lie.
As to why I made a new sprite: Well, his head, hair and beard were totally off and the color is just wrong. Also, I forgot to tan his skin. In the new sprite I fixed those errors and gave him his signature fighter's stance, which was quite difficult to achieve. I do like the result, though;)

Which one do you think is better? You may let me know in the comments;)
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410x320px 8.2 KB
© 2014 - 2025 Apophis324
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Kramgnauh's avatar
I though this was Gandalf XD