What Lies WithinApollotheneverender on DeviantArthttps://www.deviantart.com/apollotheneverender/art/What-Lies-Within-167760523Apollotheneverender

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What Lies Within



Woah. Ok first off, this took *ages* due to the sheer lack of cel shading skills D: and the fact that I ....
a) Soft shaded it
b) part cel and part soft shaded and
c) cel shaded
most of this image until I finally decided I should get some Cel skills for my up-coming manga *yay!*
I now greatly *love* and admire anyone you can cel shade! You are all GENIUSES!

Thanks to Burukasai for showing me those BlazBlue books XD This character would not have existed otherwise ^.^ Buuut then again, If this looks remotely like BlazBLue then sorry! D:

I *think* this will be my main character for my manga, of whiiiich I still have an in-depth story to conjour out of dust o.o He does have a name and a basic bio, but Im always bery reluctant to smush out character info on DA, so, sorry guys! D:

Sorry for the lack of background...backgrounds=FAIL and effort so yeah >.<

*major lack of will power and effort when completing this*

82 layers!? Thats all I have to say -_-

Character and Image (C) To me, Apollotheneverender,
DO NOT STEAL or ther will be problems -_- thanks!
Image size
681x1122px 137.93 KB
© 2010 - 2025 Apollotheneverender
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Burukasai's avatar
*Envy* D: Stop showing off dammit! XD

*wanders off to try some cel shaded stuff too...*
