Baby Wartortleaphid777 on DeviantArt

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aphid777's avatar

Baby Wartortle



I apologize to non-Pokemon fans again for spamming you with these!  I've just been exhausted, so I haven't been working on more challenging things, but still, I wanted to work on SOMETHING to keep sane.  And sorry to those who might have wanted a pattern for this one.. I was too tired to take notes (the tail was too complex anyway) and just wanted a mental break.  He's pretty similar to my Squirtle pattern anyway ^^;

Anyway, enjoy!

Edit: :icondarkrose85: was kind enough to share her Wartortle tail and ear pattern here! :) Wartortle by Darkrose85

Other works:
Baby Squirtle (with pattern) by aphid777 Baby Eeveelutions :D by aphid777 Small-ish Haku by aphid777 Skull Kid Multi-Views by aphid777
Image size
5120x2880px 1.7 MB
Date Taken
Jul 3, 2014, 3:38:47 PM
© 2014 - 2025 aphid777
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wdw28ears's avatar
Oh man....this is just too cute....if you ever make a pattern, the ears would be just what I need...please! LOL  Or I could just figure it out do good work!