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How to eddit settings:
Move mouse over the Clock skin.Then left mouse doubleclick on the skin and settings menu will open.
Then when you open the menu, you of course enter your settings. :) (Smile)

These languages have been added for now:Czech,English,French,German,Greek,Italian,Polish,Russian,Serbian,Spanish,Turkish,Croatian,Dutch (NL),Swedish,Hungarian,Latvian,Chinese,Portuguese (BR),Vietnamese.
I can not able to translate the skin to each language,but you can translate at yours.
If you want to help me translate into your language,click on settings icon,then click on book icon,see the instruction, translate to your language, and please share fuly translated  language to me,and i will add it in the next update. :) (Smile)

Thanks peaceleek for: -> Turkish language  Nod 
Thanks hanutAkmq for: -> Croatian language  Nod 
Thanks MFrandsen for: -> Danish language  Nod 
Thanks KissKK for: -------> Hungarian language  Nod 
Thanks jeroentje12 for: -------> Dutch (NL) language  Nod 
Thanks Eichmann93 for: ------> Swedish language  Nod
Thanks sulorena for: ------> Portuguese (BR) language  Nod
Thanks silverzboy for -> Latvian Language Nod 
Thanks sam78919 for -> Chinese language Nod 
Thanks DirtyDraws-Kun for -> Vietnamese language Nod 

Wallpaper you can download here: Unsplash

© 2017 - 2025 ApexXx-SenSei
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