me scoozi- spnAori on DeviantArt

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me scoozi- spn



idk ok?'s basically because of this: [link] (the me scoozi! part) I can't stop laughing really

um I swear after my finals I'll do some fine, finished, detailed art with merlin and arthur, and from doctor who, and from supernatural as well, and some usuk too.. I promisee okay. And I'll start drawing comic and finish gilrod doujinshi and draw shwatson and um yeah.

but for now only some doodles sry guiz

ps I'm taging my every submission with "ass-butt" from now on, just so you know
ps2 I SO CANT DRAW DEAN OKAY, so.. yeah. He's so hard to draw, really :C

ps3 while listening to [link] :heart:
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sweet-Mei's avatar
nie wiem o co chodzi, ale mi się podoba. :>